Default Validation

Each field type needs to have a default field validation. For a basic Input field, this could look like this:

export const isValid = (value, config) => {
    if (config.isRequired && (value === "" || typeof value === "undefined")) return false;
    return true;

The minimum a field validation function has to do, is check if the user has entered anything if the field is required. More complicated fields should implement additional checks for the validity of the entered data. An email field should for example check if the entered string is a valid email address. A date range picker should check if the "to date" is after the "from date" and so on ...

When you write your validation function, always have in mind, that this is the default validation, it should be specific to the type, and not specific to an individual field. For those, you define a custom validation in the Form config. So don't do anything like this in the default validation:

if ( === "companyEmail" && value.indexOf("") === -1) return false;