Dynamic Steps

Steps can be completely dynamic. What does that mean? Let's say you have a checkbox on the first step which asks the user if he has a second income and a whole step to declare all the info for that second income. Now you only want to display that step in the navigation if he checked that checkbox. This can be achieved easily by returning null inside that step if the checkbox value is false. Here's an example:

    {({ data, allData, isActive, onChange, onNav, index, errors, setStepKey, initializing }) => {
        const key = setStepKey("step2", index);
        if (initializing) return null;

        if (allData.step1 && !allData.step1.declareSecondIncome) return null;

        return (

As you can see, all we have to do is use the data from step one to decide if step two should be rendered. Otherwise we return null.

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