
Stages comes with a very basic example navigation component. It's really ment as an inspiration on how to build your own custom navigation component. Here's an example source:

const Navigation = ({ currentStep, data, onChangeStep, errors, lastValidStep, keys, stepCount }) => {
    const items = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        if (keys && keys[i] && keys[i].visible) {
            const stepName = keys && keys[i] ? keys[i].key : `Step ${i + 1}`;

            if (currentStep === i) {
                // The current step:
                    <li key={stepName}>
            } else if ((lastValidStep > -1 && lastValidStep + 1 < i) || lastValidStep === -1 && i > 0) {
                // A step which can't be navigated to right now:
                    <li key={stepName}>
            } else {
                // A step which can be navigated to:
                    <li key={stepName} onClick={() => onChangeStep(i)}>

    return (

It's really just one example. You can build step navigations a thousand ways. For example use the data object to render little step summaries.

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