
Sometimes you have fields which expect a different type than what you want in your data. And data should always be serialisable. So for example if you have a calendar input, than that date should always be in a string format like this: 2022-08-23. However, some calendar fields may return a Date object, which can cause problems. To solve such cases, you can explicitely typecast on a field configuration. This is how:

    id: "arrivalDate",
    label: "Arrival",
    type: "calendar",
    cast: {
        data: "string",
        field: "date"

The cast option expects two options, one for the type used in the data and one for the type the field expects. Both options are required. Additionally, you can supply a callback to do the conversion yourself, which is sometimes needed to make certain fields work. An example:

    id: "arrivalDate",
    label: "Arrival",
    type: "calendar",
    cast: {
        data: (value) => new Date(value),
        field: (value) => String(value).split("T")[0]

For non callback options, all JS proimitive types are available, so number, string and boolean. Additionally, date can be used to convert between Date objects and strings.

Finally, for fields which expect arrays, you can do something like this:

    id: "eventDates",
    label: "Event Dates",
    type: "multiselect",
    cast: {
        data: ["string"],
        field: ["date"]