Custom Errors

Every field comes with a simple error renderer, mostly just checking if a required field was filled out. Ideally you want to be more precise than just showing "Please fill out this field!" as the default error renderrer does. This is where custom errors are useful. You can set them up like this (using some Bootstrap for the formatting):

import Form from 'react-bootstrap/Form';

const FieldError = ({ customText }) => (
  <Form.Control.Feedback type="invalid">
    {customText || "Please fill out this field!"}

And than later in the form config:

    id: "email",
    label: "Email",
    type: "email",
    isRequired: true,
    customValidation: ({ data, isValid }) => {
        return true; // Add your huge custom email validation regex here!
    errorRenderer: (error) => FieldError({ customText: "Please enter a valid email address." }),

If you return false, the field is invalid. Additionally you can return an error code, which than shows up in the error object as errorCode. This make it possible to display different error messgaes based on your custom validation.

    id: "email",
    label: "Email",
    type: "email",
    isRequired: true,
    customValidation: ({ data, isValid }) => {
        if (notValidEmailExpression) return "NOT_AN_EMAIL";
        if (bannedDomainLookup) return "BANNED_DOMAIN";
        return isValid; // Add your huge custom email validation regex here!
    errorRenderer: (error) => {
      if (error.errorCode === "NOT_AN_EMAIL") return FieldError({ customText: "Please enter a valid email address." });
      if (error.errorCode === "BANNED_DOMAIN") return FieldError({ customText: "This email provider has been banned." });
      return FieldError({ customText: "Please enter an email address." });

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