
Stages on its own doesn't render anything. Here's how you render a basic layout using the sample components for the navigation and progression:

import { Stages, Navigation, Progression, HashRouter } from "react-stages";


    render={({ navigationProps, progressionProps, routerProps, steps }) => (
                <Navigation {...navigationProps} />
                <Progression {...progressionProps} /> 
            {typeof window !== "undefined" ? <HashRouter {...routerProps} /> : null}

All the render props you get:

  • navigationProps: These contain all the info to render a step navigation
    • currentStep: The current step index
    • data: The complete wizard data, usefull to render small step summaries
    • onChangeStep: Use this callback to set a new step
    • errors: All the validation errors, in case you want to display invalid steps differently
    • keys: An array of all the step keys. Each step is an object containing key and visible properties.
    • stepCount: The amount of steps
    • lastValidStep: The last valid step index
  • progressionProps:
    • currentStep: The current step index
    • stepCount: The amount of steps
    • validSteps: The amount of valid steps
    • percentage: The percentage of valid steps
    • data: The complete wizard data
    • errors: All the validation errors
  • routerProps:
    • step: The current step
    • onChange: Handler to change step
    • keys: All the keys
  • steps: This are the rendered steps (in normal usage, the currently active step)

Check the example Navigation and Progreess components for how the properties are used.